William Lyon Software, technology, startups, etc...

Using Neo4j Spatial Procedures in legis-graph-spatial

Updating legis-graph-spatial to make use of the new spatial procedures in Neo4j 3.0 and the official Neo4j Javascript driver. Procedures provide a new API for interacting with the Neo4j spatial extension and are callable from Cypher.

Analyzing the Graph of Thrones

Using graphs to analyze character interactions in the popular Game of Thrones series. Social network analysis with Neo4j.

Adding Geospatial Indexing to legis-graph With Neo4j and Mapbox

Adding geospatial indexing and map visualizations to legis-graph

Building a text adjacency graph from product reviews with the Best Buy API

Finding real world text datasets to analyze can make playing around with NLP tasks much more interesting. This quick post shows how to build a word adjacency graph in Neo4j using product reviews from the Best Buy API.

Crawling APIs Using Neo4j - Building The Star Wars Graph

A common task when working with data from APIs is crawling the API and inserting the results in a database. In this example we'll import data into Neo4j by crawling a public API, building a graph in Neo4j as we go along. We'll use Neo4j as a queuing mechanism to store URLs for placeholder resources waiting to be fetched.